Dear Mama, I get it.

Dear Mama,

I get it.

That frustrated, "can I just have a minute to myself?" tone every time you answer barked questions through the bathroom door.

The "not again!" sighs whenever you find a new mess on the carpet you just vacuumed.

The "why do I bother cleaning?" thoughts. Yes, I totally get it.

The overpowering sense of guilt when you yell just a little too loud.

The counting down the minutes until bedtime.

The second cup of coffee you'll reheat twice before forgetting in the microwave.

The fact that some days, you wait all day for moment to yourself, and then once they're in bed you miss them. Seriously. It's crazy, I KNOW, because I do it too.

That feeling you sometimes have at the end of a day, like you've done absolutely everything and somehow accomplished nothing. I get it.

The wanting to wear all the hats. You know stay at home, grow your career, see all their firsts, go back to school... but the gripping realization that sometimes you'll have to choose which hat to wear and when. I get that too.

How some nights you're so exhausted.

How you dream of an uninterrupted nights sleep, but you still find yourself sleeping like this. I get it.

How incredibly frustrating it is when you've had one of these days or you're trying to manage grocery shopping without losing your sh*t and someone says, "you're gonna miss this one day." How it almost makes you want to spit fire. I get it.

I get it because, I know I'm gonna miss these days, one day. Just like i'm sure you know you'll miss it too.

Some days, I really just need to know there's someone who gets it though.

Listen, there's a strength that comes from knowing we're not in the trenches of motherhood alone, so I'm telling you - I get it, Mama and I see you over there just doing your best to raise good humans.

Don't be afraid to share your frustrations, be honest, keep it real and let your mama friends know, you get it too.


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